BCE Presents at the Association of State Dam Safety Official Regional Conference in Maine
June 1, 2023
Association of State Floodplain Managers Conference
September 23, 2024
BCE is proud to have attended the 2024 Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) annual Joint Engineer Training Conference & Expo (JETC) that was held in Orlando, Florida in May. Professionals from across the A/E/C industry and joint engineering community joined together to foster industry government engagement. While there are numerous takeaways from the conference, here are a few things that stood out to our team:
Connections: With an attendance of over 2,700 professionals, JETC provided an opportunity to network with colleagues from across the country, foster new partnerships and engage with a range of professionals in the A/E/C industry.
Education and New Technologies: Over 200 exhibitors at the conference were able to showcase new technologies and breakthroughs in the field through presentations and educational sessions each day. Topics ranged from “improving resilience through electrification, strategies for airfield planning, and a discussion of how AI can streamline project efficiency” (SAME).
Leadership and Growth Opportunities: JETC hosted an impressive panel of speakers at this year’s conference who inspired attendees to pursue their goals with fervor. From discussions about SAME’s Leadership Development Program to mentorship programs with SAME Young Professionals, it is clear that SAME is invested in helping its members push their careers forward.
BCE is a sustaining member of SAME since our beginning in 2016 and is proud to have staff on board who have been sustaining members of SAME for the past 15+ years. BCE’s president Scott Blossom notes “it was an honor to attend with so many incredible professionals engaged in improving infrastructure and national security – over the past 8 years, we’ve had the opportunity to attend, sponsor and support incredible local conferences in Hampton Roads and throughout the Mid-Atlantic – and this was another amazing opportunity to train and get into the details with service members, government agencies and professionals from Florida and around the Country as well.”